Community over Corona: How to get through this time by connecting with your community


🍊Free Tangerines🍊
This week after being overwhelmed with feelings of fear and helplessness, I decided to get off my butt and do something. As my son, Coyote and I went on our daily neighborhood walks, we would see soooo many fruit and avocado trees in everyone’s backyards. My husband even said if worse came to worse, we could all survive off foraging in our neighborhood alone. So that gave me an idea.


With the hour plus lines at the grocery store, panic hoarding, and self-quarantine, I thought, what is one thing I can do to help my neighbor right now. Something that I could also do with my son to keep him busy and teach him an important lesson at the same time. So we started picking tangerines from our backyard and putting them on our front lawn to share with our community. The first day was so great, every time we looked outside, you could tell a few more and few more were picked up. The next day, we went out back super early at 8am, and literally picked tangerines for four hours! Every time I went out to replenish, the crate was almost empty. We couldn’t keep up!


I went out to put out my final haul for the day (100’s of tangerines), and about 20 minutes later looked out to see that our tangerines, crates and signs were all gone. Someone came in one swoop and took everything all at once for themselves. I was so disheartened. The whole point of this was to help my neighbors who either couldn’t get to the store, or once they got inside couldn’t get fresh produce. My anger overwhelmed me and I instantly reacted instead of thinking it through. I went on our Facebook neighborhood group and without even thinking posted what happened.


By the end of the day, so many neighbors saw my post and dropped off bags, crates and boxes so Coyote and I could keep sharing tangerines. My neighbors kindness reminded me that maybe someone picked them up to share with a homeless community, maybe that person couldn't read the sign that said “Please don't take the crates”, or maybe they were just selling them down the street lol. Whatever the reason, they needed them more than I did, and I shouldn’t stop doing what we’re doing because of one person.


My goal is to start a chain reaction, to get everyone to to think of one small way they can safely help eachother. Whether it be putting out a box of free fruit from their tree, supporting small business or donating to an organization in need. If we all do our part and work together we’ll get through this🍊💛🍊 Please use this hashtag and spread the word by doing one small act of kindness for your neighbor #communityovercorona

This morning I already saw this wheelbarrow full of lemons out front of my neighbors house🍋🍋🍋 #communityovercorona

This morning I already saw this wheelbarrow full of lemons out front of my neighbors house🍋🍋🍋 #communityovercorona

Laura Genevieve

This blog is a glimpse inside our renovation of our Spanish Bungalow in Long Beach, California.  Follow along as we restore our 1920’s bungalow to her oringinal beauty.

